Shannon,<br><br>I re-upholstered the front seats of my '81 Westy several years back. I had Sewfine in Colorado make the seat and armrest covers and installed them myself. I used seats from an '84-ish van that had longer seat bottoms (more comfy on the legs) than the ones in my '81 and the simple one-position armrests. Sewfine should have patterns on-hand to stitch up new seat covers. I also bought enough matching material from them to have a local upholstery shop do my rear seat and pad.<br><br>Doing the seat covers was not too difficult. Having a pair of "hogring" pliers will help. Most upholstery supply places can sell you a set.<br>Having a Bentley manual will help too, especially if you are using the later model adjustable armrests. They can be tricky to get off and willt be more difficult to upholster too.<br><br>Also, keep in mind that any Vanagon seat should slide right into any Vanagon. You might be better off just finding a nice set of seats that you can just "bolt in".<br><br>Hope this helps,<br><br>-Stan